Lejos de casa

Far Away From Home
Documentary | Mexico | 2022 | 81 min | Spanish


A group of children and adolescents, originally from Mexico and Latin America, wait in shelters in Tijuana for the decision on their asylum request to enter the US The wait is long and uncertain.


Lawyer from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, he enters to study at the Cinematographic Training Center with a specialty in audiovisual production. He has been selected for Talents Berlin 2018 and is an EAVE Puentes 2020 graduate. He has produced and released 9 feature films. As a director, his first feature film, De Puro Aire, was nominated for the Diosas de Plata.

Ver funciones

World Premiere

Director - Directors
Carlos Hernández Vázquez
Guión - Screenplay
Carlos Hernández Vázquez, Pedro G. García, Luis Montalvo
Productor - Producer
Gabriela Gavica, Carlos Hernández Vázquez
Música - Music:
Carlo Ayhon
Sonido - Sound:
Liliana Villaseñor, Axel Muñoz, Jose Miguel Enríquez
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Luis Montalvo
Edición - Editor:
Pedro G. García
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Intérpretes - Cast
Lázaro, Jimena , Armando, Mario, Betzy, Chuy, otros niñas y niños de albergues en Tijuana
Contacto - Contact
Agencia Freak - Vanesa Toca