I Faust

Feature Film
Mexico · 2019 · 120´ · Spanish


Fausto tries to escape from the oppression of his father Bael by going to study photography to Barcelona, where he meets Carmen and got her pregnant. Together, they return to Mexico and Fausto is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Illness, frustration and depression push Fausto to a tragic end.


He has directed award-winning short films that have participated in important festivals in Mexico and the world (Guadalajara, Morelia, Cannes, Miami, Munich, etc). I Faust, his first featured film, won the Public's Prize at the Lleida Film Festival, in Spain; it was part of the official selection at the Cairo International Film Festival; and now is part of the Official Selection at the FIC35.

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Mexico · 2019 · 120´ · Spanish

Dirección · Director
Julio Berthely

Guión · Screenplay
Julio Berthely

Fotografía · Cinematography
Daniel Blanco AMC

Música · Music
Franco Medina-Mora

Sonido · Sound
Gabriel Coll Barberis

Director de arte · Production designer
Georgina Martínez

Edición · Editor
Julio Berthely

Productor · Producer
Eduardo Naranjo, Julio Berthely, Laura Veytia, Gabriel Coll Barberis

Intérpretes · Cast
Christian Vázquez, Amparo Barcia, Carlos Aragón, Arcelia Ramírez, Adriana Llabrés, Paloma Woolrich, Lorena del Castillo, David Medel, Alejandra Herrera, Paola Gómez

Contacto · Contact
Eduardo Naranjo