Günst ul vándrafoo / Gusts of wild life

Fiction Short Film
Spain· 2019 · 25´· Spanish


It is said he has someone locked up. People have seen him looking over from the other side of the fence. That kid will disappear any day.


Jorge Cantos
Jorge Cantos is a director who graduated from the Madrid Film School (ECAM) in 2016 with the fiction short film Take Away (2016), awarded as Best Short Film at the FICUNAM International Film Festival (Mexico). He is also responsible for the documentary short films Dôtenh (2015), Pròt (2016) and Utopiazaleek bakarrik bizi- rik iraungo dute (Only utopists will survive, 2018), commissioned by the San.

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Spain· 2019 · 25´· Spanish

Dirección · Director
Jorge Cantos

Guión · Screenplay
Jorge Cantos

Fotografía · Cinematography
Alejandro Buera

Música · Music
Eduardo Rosa

Sonido · Sound
Daniel Rincón, Martín Jiménez

Director de arte · Production Designer
Andrea Gandarillas

Edición · Editor
Ana Bustamante

Productor · Producer
Álvaro Díaz Calvo, Sara de la Fuente Monedero, Alberto Tortes Castelló

Intérpretes · Cast
Manel Llunell, Juanán Moreno Sánchez

Contacto · Contact
Madrid en corto
Ismael Martín, Cristina Moreno