La próxima edición del FICG será del 7 al 15 de junio de 2024 y estamos en búsqueda de voluntarios comprometidos en formar parte de la organización y realización del FICG.


En esta convocatoria podrán participar todas las personas que sean mayores de edad y que tengan interés en formar parte de uno de los eventos de la industria cinematográfica más importantes de Latinoamérica.


No importa si no resides en el Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara (AMG), siempre y cuando puedas comprometerte a estar presente en la ciudad durante las fechas del Festival. Es necesario costear tus gastos de hospedaje, traslados y alimentación.

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Contesta el siguiente formulario, y pronto recibirás un correo para concertar una reunión para revisar detalles de tu participación.

Apertura: Miércoles 15 de noviembre de 2023 a las 11:00 hrs.

Cierre:  Viernes 15 de marzo de 2024 a las 15:00 hrs.


Periodo de voluntariado:

  • Disponibilidad completa del 6 al 15 de junio de 2024
  • Disponibilidad media del 6 de mayo al 5 de junio de 2024
  • Disponibilidad por horario y área entre el 8 de enero y el 3 de mayo de 2024


Fiction and documentary feature film projects in the development stage that have a finished script or in progress, with at least twenty percent of financing secured and a minimum duration of 70 minutes.


The feature films must have been made in Latin America or, they can be a co-production with other countries in the region, as long as the participation of the person requesting support is greater than fifty percent.

Fiction and documentary feature film projects in the development stage that have a finished script or in progress, with at least twenty percent of financing secured and a minimum duration of 70 minutes.


The feature films must have been made in Latin America or, they can be a co-production with other countries in the region, as long as the participation of the person requesting support is greater than fifty percent.

Fiction and documentary feature film projects in the development stage that have a finished script or in progress, with at least twenty percent of financing secured and a minimum duration of 70 minutes.


The feature films must have been made in Latin America or, they can be a co-production with other countries in the region, as long as the participation of the person requesting support is greater than fifty percent.

Fiction and documentary feature film projects in the development stage that have a finished script or in progress, with at least twenty percent of financing secured and a minimum duration of 70 minutes.


The feature films must have been made in Latin America or, they can be a co-production with other countries in the region, as long as the participation of the person requesting support is greater than fifty percent.

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