Best Mexican Film | The Devil's Freedom, by Everardo González (Mexico)


Best Director | Sofía Gómez Córdova for The Blue Years (Mexico)


Best Cinematographer | María Secco for Liberty of the Devil (Mexico)


Best Actor | José Manuel Poncelis and Eligio Meléndez for Dream in Another Language (Mexico, Netherlands)

Best actress | Paloma Domínguez for Los Años Azules (Mexico)

Help Me Get Through the Night, by José Ramón Chávez Delgado (Mexico)

Best film | Santa and Andrés, by Carlos Lechuga (Cuba, Colombia, France)


Special Jury Prize | Carpenters, by José María Cabral (Dominican Republic, United States)


Best Director | Joel Calero for La Última Tarde Best First Feature | The Two Irenes, by Fabio Meira


Best actress | Lola Loves for Santa and Andrés (Cuba, Colombia, France)


Best Actor | Jean Jean by Carpinteros (Dominican Republic, United States)


Best Photography | The Two Irenes, by Fabio Meira (Brazil)


Best screenplay | Santa and Andrés, by Carlos Lechuga (Cuba, Colombia, France)

Best Documentary | The Devil's Freedom, by Everardo González (Mexico)


Special Jury Prize | Adriana's Pact, by Lissette Orozco (Chile)

Best Short Film | Aya, by Francesca Canepa Sarmiento (Peru)


Rigo Mora Award for Best Mexican Animated Short Film | Cerulia, by Sofía Carrillo (Mexico)

Special Mentions | Fight of Eddie Rubio and Berta Vive, by Katia Lara Pineda (Honduras)


Maguey Award | Corpo Elétrico of Marcelo Caetano (Brazil)


Special Jury Prize | Santa and Andrés, by Carlos Lechuga (Cuba, Colombia, France)


Best Performance | Jella Haase for Looping (Germany) 


The Blue Years, by Sofía Gómez Córdova (Mexico)



José María Cabral Carpenters (Dominican Republic, United States)


FEISAL Special Mention

Santa and Andrés, by Carlos Lechuga from (Cuba, Colombia, France)


Award for Best Jalisco Short Film

Cerulia, by Sofía Carrillo and Us and Them, by Yordi Capó (Mexico)


Award for Best Jalisco Feature Film

The blue years, by Sofía Gómez Córdova (Mexico)

Best Mexican Fiction Feature Film

Dream in another language, by Ernesto Contreras (Mexico, Netherlands)


Best Mexican Documentary Feature Film

The Devil's Freedom, by Everardo González (Mexico)

Anadina, by Raúl Fuentes (Mexico)

The blue years, by Sofía Gómez Córdova (Mexico)

Help me get through the night, by José Ramón Chávez Delgado (Mexico)

Bruma, by Max Zunino (Mexico, Germany)

The crimes of the North Sea, by José Buil (Mexico)

Visiting Day, by Nicole Opper (Mexico, United States) 

Non-rigorous label, by Cristina Herrera Bórquez (Mexico) 

The great promise, by Jorge Ramírez-Suárez (Mexico, Germany) 

The Devil's Freedom, by Everardo González (Mexico)

Corn in times of war, by Alberto Cortés Calderón (Mexico)

They called me King Tiger, by Ángel Estrada Soto (Mexico) 

My raised blood, by Luis David Palomino (Mexico)

While Waiting, by Paola Villanueva Bidault (Mexico)

Nocturno, by Luis Ayhllón (Mexico)

The eyes of the sea, by José Álvarez (Mexico, Germany) 

Silence is welcome, by Gabriela García Rivas (Mexico)

Dream in another language, by Ernesto Contreras (Mexico, Netherlands)

Treasures, by María Novaro (Mexico)

An exile: family film, by Juan Francisco Urrusti Alonso (Mexico)

Verónica, by Carlos Algara, Alejandro Martínez Beltrán (Mexico)

Live for me, by Chema de la Peña (Mexico, Spain)

The bar, by Álex de la Iglesia (Spain)

Bruma, by Max Zunino (Mexico, Germany) 

Carpenters, by José María Cabral (Dominican Republic, United States) 

The Illustrious Citizen, by Mariano Cohn, Gastón Duprat (Argentina, Spain)

Salt and Sugar Combo, by Licinio Azevedo (Portugal, Mozambique, France, Brazil, South Africa)

The crimes of the North Sea, by José Buil (Mexico) 

As duas Irenes, by Fabio Meira (Brazil)

The perfect future, by Nele Wohlatz (Argentina)

Gilda, I do not regret this love, by Lorena Muñoz (Argentina, Uruguay) 

The great promise, by Jorge Ramírez-Suárez (Mexico, Germany)

Bad meeting, by Claudia Huaiquimilla (Chile) 

The Animal's Woman, by Víctor Gaviria (Colombia)

The Shepherd, by Jonathan Cenzual Burley (Spain) 

The reconquest, by Jonás Trueba (Spain) 

Santa and Andrés, by Carlos Lechuga (Cuba, Colombia, France)

Dream in another language, by Ernesto Contreras (Mexico, Netherlands)

The last afternoon, by Joel Calero (Peru, Colombia)

Last days in Havana, by Fernando Pérez (Cuba)

Ama-san, by Cláudia Varejão (Portugal, Switzerland, Japan)

Intimate battles, by Lucía M. Gajá Ferrer (Mexico)

The color of the chameleon, by Andrés Lübbert (Chile, Belgium) 

Curumim, by Marcos Prado (Brazil)

In a corner of the soul, by Jorge Dalton (El Salvador)

The Devil's Freedom, by Everardo González (Mexico)

The children, by Maite Alberdi (Chile, France, Holland, Colombia)

The offended, by Marcela Zamora Chamorro (El Salvador, Mexico)

The eyes of the sea, by José Álvarez (Mexico, Germany)

Omega, by Gervasio Iglesias, José Sánchez-Montes (Spain)

Adriana's pact, by Lissette Orozco (Chile)

Pizarro, by Simón Hernández (Colombia)

Policy, instruction manual, by Fernando León de Aranoa (Spain)

Resurrecting Hassan, by Carlo Guillermo Proto (Chile, Canada)

Green River: The Time of the Yakurunas, by Diego Edgardo Sarmiento Pagán, Álvaro Sarmiento Pagán (Peru)

Sasha, by Fèlix Colomer Vallès (Spain)

Soldier, by Manuel Abramovich (Argentina)

An exile: family film, by Juan Francisco Urrusti Alonso (Mexico)

14 years and one day, by Lucía Alemany (Spain)

Aya, by Francesca Canepa Sarmiento (Peru)

Berta lives, by Katia Lara Pineda (Honduras)

Cerulia, by Sofía Carrillo (Mexico)

Chamberlain, by Fabián León López (Mexico)

Cheimaphobia, by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (Spain)

Small City, by Diogo Costa Amarante (Portugal)

Clara Consent, by Ivan Stoessel, Federico Pozzi (Argentina)

Heart, by Sergio Martínez (Spain)

The Fourth Kingdom, by Adán Aliaga, Alex Lora Cercos (Spain, United States)

Day of Ashes, by Daniel Romero (Ecuador)

Doppelganger, by Julián Castro, Alejo Rosemberg (Argentina)

Elemental, by Alejandro Rocchi, Marco Bentancor (Uruguay)

Encarnación, by Ricardo Castro (Mexico)

Hope, by Álvaro Longoria (Spain)

Natural phenomena, by Marcos Díaz Sosa (Canada) 

Fim de linha, by Paulo D'Alva, António Pinto (Portugal)

Hunger, by Alejandro Montalvo (Mexico)

Happiness, by Samantha Pineda Sierra, Davy Giorgi (Mexico)

Son for Son, by Juan Avella (Venezuela)

The inconvenience, by Adriana Yurcovich (Argentina)

Julkita, by Humberto Busto (Mexico)

Loving South, by Oliver Rendón (Mexico)

Fight, by Eddie Rubio (Mexico)

Don't go through San Bernardino, by Hugo Magaña (Mexico)

We are missing, by Emilio Ramos Fernández, Lucía Gajá (Mexico)

Us and them, by Yordi Capó (Mexico)

The steps of the water, by César Augusto Acevedo (Colombia)

Pássaros na boca, by Gustavo Ribeiro (Brazil)

Poliangular, by Alexandra Castellanos Solís (Mexico)

The well, by Hernán Garbarino (Argentina)

What is not said under the sun, by Eduardo Esquivel (Mexico)

Rosinha, by Gui Campos (Brazil)

I am Unoentrecienmil, by Penélope Cruz (Spain)

Spark, by Juan Martínez Vera (Mexico, United States, Venezuela)

Tiger, by Aina Clotet (Spain)

Tribes of the Inquisition, by Mabel Lozano (Spain, Bolivia)

A fairy, by José Militano (Argentina)

Max's universe, by Mario Niño Villamizar (Colombia)

Volks, by Alejandro Rocchi (Uruguay)

Official Competition

The blue years, by Sofía Gómez Córdova (Mexico)

Ceux qui font les révolutions à moitié n'ont fait que se creuser un tombeau, de Mathieu Denis, Simon Lavoie (Canada)

Corpo Elétrico, by Marcelo Caetano (Brazil)

Die Mitte der Welt, by Jakob M. Erwa (Germany, Austria) 

Disco Limbo, by Fredo Landaveri, Mariano Toledo (Argentina)

Discreet, by Travis Mathews (United States)

Non-rigorous label, by Cristina Herrera Bórquez (Mexico)

Fluidø, by Shu Lea Cheang (Germany)

Hjartasteinn, by Guðmundur Arnar Guðmundsson (Iceland, Denmark)

Jonathan, by Piotr J. Lewandowski (Germany)

Just Charlie by Rebekah Fortune (UK)

Looping, by Leonie Krippendorff (Germany)

Taekwondo, by Marco Berger, Martín Farina (Argentina)

A bacio, by Ivan Cotroneo (Italy) 


Special Screenings

Fassbinder, by Annekatrin Hendel (Germany)

The Misandrists, by Bruce LaBruce (Germany)

Ulrike's Brain, by Bruce LaBruce (Germany, Canada)

The Banished Children of Eve, by Omar Robles (Mexico)

Refugee's Welcome, by Bruce LaBruce (Germany)


Rencontres cinématographiques In&Out of Nice, France

De l'ombre il ya, by Nathan Nicholovitch (France, Cambodia) 

Selection of French Queer short films

  • Le Repas Dominical, by Céline Devaux (France)
  • Ton poids sur ma nuque, by Frédéric Labonde (France)
  • Gabber Lover, by Anna Cazenave-Cambet (France)
  • Realness With a Twist, by Romain Cieutat (France)
  • While the Unicorn is Watching Me, by Shanti Masud (France)
  • Thérèse(s) et Simone(s), by Adam M (France)
  • 1992, by Anthony Doncque (France)

Silver Mayahuel

Ofelia Medina


Frida, living nature, by Paul Leduc (Mexico)


Mayahuel Ibero-American

Paulo Branco


Dans la Ville Blanche, by Alain Tanner (Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom)

Vale Abraão, by Manoel de Oliveira (Portugal, France, Switzerland)

The retrouvé times, after the oeuvre of Marcel Proust, by Raoul Ruiz (France, Italy, Portugal)

Nuit de chien, by Werner Schroeter (Portugal, Germany, France)

Mystères de Lisbonne, by Raoul Ruiz (Portugal, France)

Cosmopolis, by David Cronenberg (Canada, France, Portugal, Italy)

La Chambre Bleue, by Mathieu Amalric (France)

Cosmos, by Andrzej Zulawski (Portugal, France)

Jeunesse, by Julien Samani (Portugal, France) 

Les beaux jours d'Aranjuez, by Wim Wenders (Germany, France, Portugal)

À jamais, by Benoît Jacquot (France, Portugal)

Francisca, by Manoel de Oliveira (Portugal) 


Mayahuel International

Fatih Akin


Posthumous Tribute

Hector Babenco 


My Hindu Friend, by Héctor Babenco (Brazil)

Germany, Guest of Honor


24 Wochen, by Anne Zohra Berrached (Germany)

Alki Alki, by Axel Ranisch (Germany)

Auf Einmal, by Asli Özge (Germany, Holland) 

Axolotl Overkill, by Helene Hegemann (Germany) 

Der Traumhafte Weg, by Angela Schanelec (Germany)

Gleissendes Glück, by Sven Taddicken (Germany)

Manifesto, by Julian Rosefeldt (Germany) 

Marija, by Michael Koch (Germany, Switzerland) 

Millennials, by Jana Bürgelin (Germany)

Paula, by Christian Schwochow (Germany) 

Rückkehr nach Mantauk, by Volker Schlöndorff (Germany, France, Ireland) 

Toni Erdmann, by Maren Ade (Germany, Australia) 

Vor der Morgenröte Stefan Zweig in Amerika, by Maria Schrader (Germany, France, Austria) 

Wild, by Nicolette Krebitz (Germany) 



Austerlitz, by Sergei Loznitsa (Germany)

Café Waldluft, by Matthias Koßmehl (Germany) 

Furusato, by Thorsten Trimpop (Germany, Japan, United States) 

Karl Marx Stadt, by Petra Epperlein, Michael Tucker (Germany, United States)


Short film

The Shadow of a God by Bernhard Hetzenauer (Mexico, Germany, Austria) 

Next Generation Short Tiger 2016

  • Amour Fou, Florian Werzinski (Germany)
  • Chay, by Charlotte A. Rolfes (Germany)
  • Eat my dream, by Jessica Dürwaldv (Germany)
  • Emily must wait, by Christian Wittmoser (Germany)
  • Eric der Soldat, by Charlotte Funke (Germany)
  • Eye for an eye, by Steve Bache, Mahyar Goudarzi, Louise Peter (Germany)
  • Keimfrei, by Samuel Pleitner (Germany)
  • Pianoid, by Janina Putzker (Germany)
  • Prinz Alfred, by Mingus Ballhaus (Germany)
  • Wer trägt die Kosten?, by Daniel Nocke (Germany)
  • Wert der Arbeit, by Matthias Koßmehl (Germany)
  • What happens in your brain if you see a German word like…?, by Zora Rux (Germany)

Home Stories

  • Alienation, by Laura Lehmus (Germany)
  • Die Badewanne, by Tim Ellrich (Germany)
  • Frankfurterstr. 99 A, by Evgenia Gostrer (Germany)
  • Homework, by Annika Pinske (Germany)
  • Kaltes Tal, by Johannes Krell, Florian Fischer (Germany)
  • Leerstelle, by Urte Zintler (Germany)
  • Micki, by Alexander Lahl, Izabela Plucinska (Germany)
  • On Air, by Robert Nacken (Germany)


Tschick, by Fatih Akin (Germany)

The Orca Lighthouse, by Gerardo Olivares (Spain)

Treasures, by María Novaro (Mexico)

Live for me, by Chema de la Peña (Mexico, Spain)

Dnevnik masinovodje, by Milos Radovic (Serbia, Croatia)

Hymyilevä Mies, by Juho Kuosmanen (Finland, Germany, Sweden) 

Zoé — Panoramas, by Rodrigo Guardiola, Gabriel Cruz Rivas (Mexico)

Sabates grosses, by Ventura Pons (Spain)

Anişoara, by Ana Felicia Scutelnicu (Germany, Moldova) 

Compte tes blessures, by Morgan Simon (France)

Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words, by Thorsten Schutte (Germany, France)

Memory exercises, by Paz Encina (Germany, Argentina, Paraguay, France, Qatar)

Jätten, by Johannes Nyholm (Sweden, Denmark)

Jesus, by Fernando Guzzoni (Chile)

María (and the others), by Nely Reguera (Spain)

Park, by Sofia Exarchou (Greece, Poland)

Plac Zabaw, by Bartosz M. Kowalski (Poland)

Porto, by Gabe Klinger (Portugal, France, United States)

May God forgive us, by Rodrigo Sorogoyen (Spain)

Vanatoare, by Alexandra Balteanu (Germany)

Zoologiya, by Ivan I. Tverdovsky (Germany, Russia, France)

Amok, by Vardan Tozija (Macedonia)

Another Forever, by Juan Zapata (Brazil, Colombia, Netherlands, Austria, Germany, United States) 

Fragments of love, by Fernando Vallejo (Puerto Rico, Colombia)

Goran, by Nevio Marasovic (Croatia)

Icarus: a vision, by Leonor Caraballo, Matteo Norz (United States)

Medinat Hagamadim, by Yaniv Berman (Israel)

Paterson, by Jim Jarmusch (Germany, France, United States)

Seven seeds, by Daniel Rodríguez Risco (Peru)

Slava, by Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov (Bulgaria, Greece)

The Dream of Mara'akame, by Federico Cecchetti (Tsikuri Temai) (Mexico)

The Queen of Spain, by Fernando Trueba (Spain)

The romantic hairdresser, by Iván Ávila Dueñas (Mexico, Spain, Brazil)

Mulher do Pai, by Cristiane Oliveira (Brazil, Uruguay)

Posthumous Tribute to Donald Ranvaud

The Orca Lighthouse, by Gerardo Olivares (Spain)

Fuocoammare, by Gianfranco Ros (Italy)

Furusato, by Thorsten Trimpop (Germany, Japan, United States)

Land Grabbing, by Kurt Langbein (Germany, Austria)

Resurrection, by Eugenio Polgovsky (Mexico)

Green River: The Time of the Yakurunas, by Diego Edgardo Sarmiento Pagán, Álvaro Sarmiento Pagán (Peru) 

Out of control!, by Carl Javér (Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Norway)

Nahui Ollin, sun of movement, by Carlos Armella, Antonino Isordia, Michelle Ibaven, Gustavo M. Ballesté, Eleonora Isunza, Teresa Camou, Sergio Blanco, Roberto Olivares (Mexico)

Sunú, by Teresa Camou Guerrero (Mexico)

Short winners of the Film4Climate contest

  • Three Seconds, by Spencer Sharp (United States)
  • Action Against the Faim, by Josh Dawson (Australia)
  • The Snow Guardian, Nathan Dappen (United States)
  • Your choice, by Daniel Martínez Martínez (Spain)
  • Plastic Pollution, our Oceans, our Future, by Christopher Hanson (United States)
  • Syria: when the water runs out, by Loic Jouan (France)
  • Can we?, by Skyros Team (Greece)
  • Climate Countdown: Carbon Pricing, by Kaia Rose (United States)
  • Pale Blue Dot, by Antonio Heitor Cantão (Brazil)
  • Pakkaspoika, by Karim Saheb (Finland)
  • A War, by David Páez (Argentina)
  • Cin'energy, pedaling towards new solutions, by Lucia Palenzuela (Argentina)
  • Awakening awareness, by Luis Valentino Rodríguez Martínez (Colombia)
  • The game, by Rafael Altamira (Mexico)
  • Mission Change, rescuing home, by Pamela Velázquez Sanchez (Mexico)
  • Camila, by Aldo Vera Salas (Peru)

Forward, by Noam Osband (United States)

Genocide, by Arnold Schwartzman (United States) 

Immobility, transportation in the mirror, by Pabsco González (Mexico)

Vinte Anos, by Alice De Andrade (Brazil)

John Berger or the art of looking, by Cordelia Dvorák (Germany)

The Labyrinth of Octavio Paz, by José María Martínez (Spain)

Roberto Bolaño: The Future Battle Chile, by Ricardo House (Chile, Spain)

Back to the Day, by Philippe Fénelon (France)

Memories of underdevelopment, by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea (Cuba)

Tepeyac, by Carlos E. González, José Manuel Ramos, Fernando Ságayo (Mexico) 

Redondo, by Raúl Busteros (Mexico)


Bugs, by Andreas Johnsen (Denmark, Netherlands, France, Germany)

Corn in times of war, by Alberto Cortés Calderón (Mexico)

If it runs or flies to the casserole, by Salomón Morales Olvera, Rogelio Calderón Jiménez (Mexico)

All about barbecue, by Mariano Cohn, Gastón Duprat (Argentina, Spain)


Casamance: the soundtrack of a journey, by Paloma Zapata (Spain)

Chavela, by Catherine Gund, Daresha Kyi (United States)

Cosquin Rock XV. The documentary, by Rubén Francisco Mostaza (Argentina)

Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words, by Thorsten Schutte (Germany, France)

The Man from Mo'Wax, by Matthew Jones (UK)

Menschen am Sonntag, by Robert Siodmak, Edgar G. Ulmer, Rochus Gliese, Curt Siodmak, Fred Zinnemann (Germany)

Or cat of Havana, by Dacio Malta (Brazil)

Omega, by Gervasio Iglesias, José Sánchez-Montes (Spain)

Dirty and messy: Heavy Metal in Argentina, by Paula Álvarez, Lucas Calabró (Argentina) 

Tepeyac, by Carlos E. González, José Manuel Ramos, Fernando Ságayo (Mexico)

Zoé — Panoramas, by Rodrigo Guardiola, Gabriel Cruz Rivas (Mexico)

Anida and the Floating Circus, by Liliana Romero (Argentina)

Ma vie de Courgette, by Claude Barras (Switzerland, France)

My mother parrot, by Martín Musarra (Argentina)

Anne Zohra Berrached, Director

Celso García, Director

Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, Director

Sergio Hernández Albrecht, Actor

Vania Catani Producer

Anastasia Antonopoulou, Audiovisual Preservation Expert

Arnold Schwartzman, Director, designer and author

Maura Morales Bergmann, Cinematographer

Robert Daudelin, Film Preservation Expert

Eduardo Gerardo Quijano Tenrreiro, Professor at the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Studies

Bina Daigeler, Costume Design

Gabriela Sandoval, Producer

Luciano Castillo, Director of the Cuban Cinematheque

Raúl Busteros, Filmmaker

Samuel Kishi , Director

Anne Thompson, Film journalist

Bruce LaBruce, Filmmaker, photographer, writer and artist

Constanza Arena, Executive Director CinemaChile

Javier Van de Couter, Director and screenwriter

Michael Lopez, Corporate Social Responsibility

Thomas Abeltshauser, Journalist and film critic

University of Audiovisual Media (CAAV)


Martin Alejandro Ponce Perez

Lorena Priscilla Ramirez Muro


California Institute of the Arts (CALARTS)


Mireya Martinez


Casa Comal Film and Television School (CC)


Joshua Garcia Prado


AC Cinematographic Training Center (CCC)


Hector Ricardo Castro Velázquez

Horacio Romo Mercado


University Center of Art, Architecture and Design (CUAAD)

Department of Image and Sound (DIS)


Daniel Abraham Malvido Gutiérrez

Metzli Paulina Ibarra Hernandez


University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities (CUCSH)


Miriam Guadalupe Jiménez Cabrera


University Center for Cinematographic Studies, UNAM (CUEC)


Diego Rodrigo Ruiz Velázquez

Samantha Mendez Badillo


International School of Cinema and Television (EICTV)


Lisandra López Fabé


National School of Film Experimentation and Production (ENERC)


Maria Julieta Binni


Luis Buñuel Veracruz Film School (EVCLB)


Raúl Ferral Sánchez


Filmakademie Baden Württemberg (FABW)


Tim Ellrich


Higher Institute of Arts, Faculty of Audiovisual Media (ISA, FAMCA)


Altinay Martínez Avila


Western Institute of Technology and Higher Studies (ITESO)


Carlos Yamil Neri Maldonado

Karla Daniela Oceguera Alvarado


Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey (ITESM, LAD)


Mauricio Ochoa


Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey (ITESM, LCMD)


Liliana Michell Saeb Arreola


Metro State University (MSU)


Autumn Kisling


University of Digital Arts (UAD)


Esteban Guerrero Carranco


University of the Atemajac Valley (UNIVA)


Eduardo Zepeda Lozano


Pan American University (UP)


Salvador González Ramírez


Iberoamerican University (IBERO)


Diego Sebastian Ortiz Casillas


LAMAR University


Jorge Jaime Vazquez


Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (UPAEP)


Aurora de León Carrillo


University of Southern California (USC)


Monica Dominguez Barrera


University of São Paulo (USP)


Leticia Domingues Kamiguchi


Veritas University (UV)

Costa Rica

Alfredo Naime Padua, Academic

Juan Grillo Tadeo, Specialist in inter-institutional management

Sergio Olhovich, Filmmaker and producer

Xavier-Daniel, Film director and film critic

André Roy, Writer and film critic

Pablo Staricco Cadenazzi, Film director and film critic

Absence, by Claudio Marcone and Liú Marino (Chile)

Bad Lucky Goat, by Samir Oliveros (Colombia)

Infection, by Flavio Pedota (Venezuela, Mexico)

My World Cup, by Carlos Morelli (Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil)

My demons never swore loneliness, by Jorge Leyva Robles (Mexico) 

Breathe, by Javier Palleiro (Uruguay, Argentina)

Remains of the wind, by Jimena Montemayor Loyo (Mexico)


Dearest Sister, by Mattie Do (Laos, France, Estonia)

Novaro, the Mexican Colossus, by Andrés Pardo Piccone (Mexico)

The Wild Region, by Amat Escalante (Mexico)

Rogue One, by Gareth Edwards (United States, United Kingdom)

We come as friends, by Hubert Sauper (France, Austria)

X Five Hundred, by Juan Andrés Arango (Canada, Colombia, Mexico)

Thirty, single and fantastic, from Chava Cartas (Mexico)

Olhando pras Estrelas, by Alexandre Peralta (United States, Brazil) 

The children, by Maite Alberdi (Chile, France, Holland, Colombia)

Resurrecting Hassan, by Carlo Guillermo Proto (Chile, Canada)

Film Schools (CCC, Dis)

Sommer dreams • 10' • Sergei Ramírez

Other people • 38' • Raúl Sebastián Quintanilla

Pills for common cancer • 17' • Esteban Chaires

The root of the oak • 19' • Yesendi Zatarain Daniel Hernández Delgadillo

White earth • 19' • Gonzálo Robles Sanzur


Shorts Mexico

In the parking lot • 15' • Juliana Orea

In self-defense • 14' • Mariana Arriaga

Amazon club • 21' • Roberto Fiesco

Icarus • 16' • Yeyo Kamikaze

Common causes of a clinical condition • 29' • Julián Hernández

Odd • 9' • Rafael Ruiz Espejo



Between the beautiful and the everyday • 10' • Verónica Ramírez

Cotton candy • 4' • Pedro Araneda

Three murderers • 5' • Pablo Flores

Asphalt shadow • 30' • Ricardo Hidalgo

Rubber huaraches • 8' • Azucena Miranda

Thief of memories • 16' • Julio Berthely



The tiger and the flower • 16' • Denisse Quintero

Ascension • 10' • Samantha Pineda Davi Giorgi

Pigs • 11' • Diego Cataño

Green • 22' • Alonso Ruiz Palacios

The insect sect • 9' • Pablo Calvillo

The garden of delights • 7' • Ale García

The last breath • 10' • Eduardo Martínez



Drag THEqueen • 10' • Emilio González Rufino

16:9 • 10' • Leonie Pokutta

Steel 11/22 • 10' • Brenda Alejandra Benítez Miguel Leonardo Huesca

Itinerant beauty • 10' • Guillermo Vejar

IKIGAI (A reason for being) • 10' • Ramiro Enrique Osorio

Only God is enough • 10' • David Alejandro Malpica

Micro odyssey 2001 • 10' • Urzula Reyes Velasco

Day at night • 7' • Jennie Paulina Bermudez


The Fortress, by Andrés Torres (Colombia)

A Mother's Calling, by Carolina Benjamín (Brazil)

In Transit, by Constanza Gallardo Vásquez (Chile)

Ya Me Voy, by Lindsey Cordero (Mexico)

El Espanto, by Martin Benchimol (Argentina)

Kalku, by Manuel Meza (Chile)

The Battle of the Volcano, by Julio López Fernández (Mexico)

Mined Territory, by Berenice Fernández Mateos (Mexico)

The man who wanted to see it all, by Alberto Albacete Radalga (Spain)

They Are Somewhere, by Pablo Tamez Sierra (Mexico)

Heavy Omen, by Mauricio Reyes Serrano (Colombia)

Here people dance when they walk, by Esteban Richmond Umaña (Costa Rica)

Ofelia Medina


National Tribute


Paulo Branco


Ibero-American Tribute


Fatih Akin


International Tribute