Call for Ibero-American series in development phase
With the main objective of promoting direct contact between Ibero-American series in the development phase, the Guadalajara International Film Festival (FICG), in its 40th edition, through the industry area, calls for participation in the fifth edition of Episode 0: Series Developing.
Episode 0: Series in development 6, will be held within the framework of the 40th Guadalajara International Film Festival.
Only those projects that comply in a timely manner with all registration requirements will be received for reading and selection.
A maximum of 7 Ibero-American projects will participate the selected projects will be those that combine the greatest possibilities to continue with its development.
Entries will be received for fiction, animation and documentary series that have not yet been filmed, which have at least 10% secured financing and a project dossier to be presented to professionals in the audiovisual industry, production companies, television stations, platforms and distributors.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to include projects by direct invitation. The projects will be selected by a committee made up of industry members, appointed in common agreement by the festival organization.
The decision of this Committee will be final.
Participation in Episode: Series in Development 6 has no cost, however, transportation costs to Guadalajara and food will be borne by the selected projects.
Projects can be registered from Friday, October 11, 2024, until Friday, December 27, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. central Mexico time.
Selected projects must confirm their attendance at the event; Otherwise, their participation will automatically be considered canceled, and another competing project will be selected.
The selected projects will have access to:
- The possibility of presenting in individual sessions before national and international professionals (audiovisual industry professionals, producers, television stations, OTT platforms and international distributors) invited to the event.
- The publication of project information and participating representatives in the Industry Catalog.
- Free Industry Accreditation for two representatives per participating project. Only a maximum of two representatives from each project may attend.
- The possibility of accommodation for 4 nights (Double room per project).
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To register a project, it is essential:
Complete electronically, completely and correctly, the registration document found in the following link:
In addition to filling out the online registration document, all registered projects must attach two PDF files to their application, one in Spanish and the other in English with the follow names:
Documents must use double-spaced Arial 12 font with the following information in the order mentioned below:
- General project data: Name, country of origin, number of episodes per season, duration per episode, genre, category (fiction, animation, or documentary), target audience and name references.
- Short synopsis of the series (maximum one page).
- Short synopsis (one paragraph) of each episode of the season.
- Bio filmography of a maximum of three team members (350 characters per bio filmography).
- Budget cover (summary) by episode and provisional financing plan in USD.
- Status of the project. Specify estimated pre-production, production, post-production, release, and distribution dates.
- Main purpose of participating in the activity.
- Additional information such as support received, commitments made, possible national and/or foreign co-producers. Copies of letters of intent and/or confirmed financing agreements available at the time of project registration.
- The General Direction of FICG will resolve any matter that it’s not foreseen in this call for entries. These cases will be evaluated by the Direction and the responsible of each area involved.
- The submission and participation of the project supposes the acceptance of this call for entries. The neglect of one or more requirements and conditions entails the cancellation of the participation at the Festival or the disqualification of the project.
- FICG has a policy of zero tolerance in the face of disrespectful behaviour, harassment, or any situation that endangers the integrity of our guests, organising committee, audiences and volunteers.
- FICG reserves the right to modify the present call for entries.
- The projects that accept the invitation, will receive the proper documentation delimiting the rights and conditions of the benefits offered by FICG, related to accreditation, hospitality and transportation, to the participants of each programme. FICG will not provide any additional prerogatives to the participants.
- Those registered under oath of truth; They are accredited as the authors of the work and holders of the moral and economic rights thereof. Likewise, they ensure that they have the permissions and rights to reproduce texts, works, music and other materials subject to intellectual property and copyright laws used in the registered project. The filmmakers undertake to demarcate the Board of Trustees of the International Film Festival in Guadalajara, A.C. and the University of Guadalajara from any responsibility for possible claims regarding intellectual property and copyright that may arise from any of the participating films, by third parties.
For more information write to:

PRIVACY NOTICE: The Guadalajara International Film Festival, with address Avenida Periférico Norte 1695, Rinconada de las Azaleas, Zapopan, Mexico; aware of your personal data collected for: all the points described in this call and in the same way will protect the projects with documentation fines. For more information about the treatment and the rights that you can assert, you can access the comprehensive privacy notice through the following link