The Good Intentions

Feature Film
Argentina · 2019 · 86´ · Spanish


The early 90s in Buenos Aires. Amanda is 10 years old with two younger brothers and separated parents, with whom the children alternately live. When they’re with their father, Amanda has to act like an adult and take care—as she can—of everyone, since Gustavo is a rather peculiar character who barely loves his children any more than he loves himself. But one day, their mother suggests an alternative outside the country, far from her father’s messy existence, throwing Amanda into turmoil.


She studied Communication Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. In 2008 she started attending screenwriting workshops given by Pablo Solarz and, she wrote her first feature film, Julia, which would later be The Good Intentions. In 2015 she started to work as a screenwriter with Solarz and in 2017 won the National Institute of ICAA with the same screenplay and being her directorial debut.

Ver funciones

Argentina · 2019 · 86´ · Spanish

Dirección · Director
Ana García Blaya

Guión · Screenplay
Ana García Blaya

Fotografía · Cinematography
Soledad Rodríguez

Música · Music
Ripe Banana Skins

Sonido · Sound
Martín García Blaya

Director de arte · Production Designer
Marlene Lievendag

Edición · Editor
Rosario Suárez (SAE)

Productor · Producer
Joaquín Marques Borchex, Juan Pablo Miller, Juana García Blaya, Ana García Blaya

Intérpretes · Cast
Javier Drolas, Amanda Minujín, Ezequiel Fontanela, Carmela Minujín, Sebastián Arzeno, Jazmín Stuart, Juan Minujín

Contacto · Contact
Film Factory Entertainment