
Fiction | Spain | 2021 | 115 min | Spanish


Alegría’s niece Yael is marrying a Melilla man and her whole family will come from Israel for the event. This wedding poses a threat to her routine and an invasion of her home. And she is not ready for that.


She moved from Spain to Vancouver, where she began working in second units of productions such as The L Word and Smallville, until she returned to Madrid in 2009 to work in the directing teams of television series such as Crematorio and Amar en Tiempos Revueltos. She started in the cinema as an assistant director for the film, Dictado, which was followed by Blancanieves and El sexo de los ángeles.

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World Premiere

Director - Directors
Violeta Salama
Guión - Screenplay
Violeta Salama, Isa Sánchez
Productor - Producer
Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo, Clara Nieto
Música - Music:
Javier Limón
Sonido - Sound:
Tamara Arévalo
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Pau Esteve
Edición - Editor:
José M.G. Moyano
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Gigia Pellegrini
Intérpretes - Cast
Cecilia Suárez, Laia Manzanares, Sarah Perles, Mara Guil y con la colaboración especial de Leonardo Sbaraglia
Contacto - Contact
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