Celeste Soledad

Solitude Blue
Fiction | Mexico | 2021 | 98 min | Spanish


Two sisters with a serious incompatibility problem are forced to live together after the sudden death of their parents. The necessary coexistence is further complicated by the unpredictable mental illness of one of them, which will take her to an increasingly darker personal world. Both will strive to live their duel apart, but they will inevitably end up meeting to unite their own loneliness.


Graduated from CUEC-UNAM (now ENAC) in 2010 having directed and photographed more than a dozen short films exhibited internationally. He has photographed television programs, music videos and three exhibited feature films (2 fictions and a documentary). In 2019 he filmed his debut film with the support of FOPROCINE-IMCINE.

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World Premiere

Director - Directors
Alex Argüelles
Guión - Screenplay
Alex Argüelles, Emilio Aguilar Pradal
Productor - Producer
Paola Rivera Pérez, IMCINE - FOPROCINE, Diva Films S.A. de C.V.
Música - Music:
Alex Argüelles, Adrián Echevarría Harris
Sonido - Sound:
Daniel Rojo, José Miguel Enríquez Rivaud
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
César Gutiérrez Miranda
Edición - Editor:
Francisco X. Rivera
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Elisa Adame
Intérpretes - Cast
Michelle Betancourt, Fernanda Echevarría Del Rivero, Claudette Maillé, Diego Jáuregui, Pablo Marín, Miguel Jiménez, Karina Gidi
Contacto - Contact
Paola Rivera Pérez, diva.films.mx@gmail.com
Alex Argüelles, alarech@gmail.com